Saturday, November 22, 2008

hmmmm fasting

seems like a good idea in my head, so what does that tell you...that it s most likely a BAD idea...but it sounds good, I know it would feel good, to be empty...Ill do liquids only...hmmmmm, thoughts

anyway I have allot to do today take A to a birthday party at chuck E cheeses, go to the gym, clean my house, go to game night at a friend from churchs house...busy busy busy..perfect time for fasting, but I guess that wouldnt be very Recovery humho...any way didnt purge yesterday so thats a good thing...and I ran a little durning my walk and that felt good too...Im a little sore today yeah!!!

not much to say

gotta get the kidddos in the tub

love, Z


Zena said...

3pm...soup and half a sandwhich at panera...wish I were gym..A's sick....well that fast was a quick one...Ill start again tomorrow...loser that I am...;(


firefly said...

aw no chuck e cheese. Sorry A is sick. It doesn't sound like your healthy mind is working with the diet .Can you e-mail K? Take care of you! Love ya!

DaftDragon said...

Hey, way to be getting on with the busy day, sometimes hard to do. And seriously, eating a normal amount at Panera likely staved off a binge later. Take care of you for sure :)

JC said...

I am tending to fast A Lot. It's because either I'm forced to eat when hubby is around, or because it's a family function and I know i can't puke secretly (yet) so whenever I possibly can, I "fast." But I'm so used to it that I don't notice it anymore. It's a pain if you're used to eating. But at the same time, you can lose more weight if you eat small meals with protein through the day (which you probably already know). Anyway, just try to be healthy. Keep the foods you do eat down, get some protein, and buy a 2L of diet coke!!!

Apple Berry said...

Daft very may well have a point about possibly staving off a binge, but don't beat yourself up about it. I tend to allow soups anyway when I 'liquid diet' even if they have lumps them.

It's not entirely logical but y'know, it settles my mind so there you go!


zubeldia said...

Honey, what's going on, love? It's hard to know when i've see you THIS unhealthy in terms of your voice. Tara, I am really worried about you - because you're writing in such a pro-ana voice. STOP. You are worth more than this, girl.

Think about what you're sacrificing.

Love, Z

Zena said...

i have missed you, I need your voice of are you FEELING?

I will write a positve post later but right now I am heading for classroom party # 1...wish me luck...

love, Z

Zena said...

okay i just had some eggs its 3 here...that seems to be all I can hold out to...dinner will be light with M..then to the gym.

On the upside Zs thanksgiving party went great!!! He had a blast...I had a blast..he ate a ton...I ate none...good times!!

Love, Z

firefly said...

Thinking of you!

firefly said...

Zena: You can't be relasping. I know it is hard but you can do it. I went to Walgreens and got you a card. Tomorrow I will look to get it mailed. Love ya Glad A's party was a sucess.