It started yesterday but better late then never, September 4th through the 10th.
As you know this hits very close to home as haveing had M actually succede in his suicide and me haveing on horriable drunken occations overdosed the most recent haveing been in march.
Please Take a moment to reach out to those you love and even those who just seem lost, you never know if your kind word or gentle smile will give someone just a bit of hope.
Feeling suicidal is probablly one of the worst feelings in the world, its not so much about wanting to die but wanting to end your suffering, it is not a sign of weakness, just of a very hurting soul. Everyones tolerance for how much suffering they can endure is different and haveing other mental illness plays a huge role in being suicidal and actually attempting and succedeing at suicide...Please if you are feeling suicidal, desperate and alone reach out, I implore you...Your pain seems so much more then you can bare, BUT it can get better with talking and treatment, and possiably medication, please before you take that final and permanent action...
If you live in the U.S. you can call 1-800-273-8255 thats 1-800-273-HELP
If you live in Australia the help line is LifelineAUSTRALIA 13 11 14
Please reach out..YOU ARE VALUABLE...and WORTH THE FIGHT!!
Love, Tara
Zena, thanks so much for posting up Lifeline's number in Australia. To Zena's readers, I can tell any of you that Lifeline are awesome and have helped me so much when I just needed to talk to someone and there was no one around or what I wanted to say I couldn't share with someone I know. Please reach out. I know how horribly tragic and difficult it was for you when you lost M and in my own family S succeeded too. My thoughts are with all those of suffering right now.
*big hugs to Zena*
thank you for sharing and being a voice in suicide prevention.
you make a difference!
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